martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

I think so...

proposed question Nº1: What is your opinion about women in the military?
- I think the womens in the military have been a bad job. They are the first option to humanizate this troop of monkeys with guns, and dont take adventage for that. 
 isn´t a secret that the womens have more brain as mens. And the emblematic case of cronical unbrained sindrome are the soldiers. 
Now, if i put a women in military i should wait that something changes, and it´s not the situation. 

Proposed question Nº2: What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
- Considering only the last week events, i think the chilians politicians are plague of circus freak.
When i prepare my stuff to go to study, and my parents prepare themselves to afront a work day. The Mr. Jorge Pizarro, an emblematic and respeted senator of the republic, are view the Mundial of Rugby in England while his region (Coquimbo) claim for help to the world, because made memory, while we are preparing the 18th and we felt a little sismic movement. In the north of Chile the sea destroyed a lot of houses in the sea border. Remember also Jorge Pizarro are one of the Pentaboys. Between other cases...

Proposed question Nº3: What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
Really i prefer that my parents smoke or drink marijuana and dont take the doctor pills because it have a lot of chemical products and additives (adictives also). Or my brothers return home with the policeman because he: crush the car intoxicated in alcohol, or because fight in a bar for the same situation. I think the marijuana make happy people, without pain. Useless people, but afortunatily we must to work (or study) 8 hours diaries, and have the rest of the day to set useless.
Proposed question Nº4: What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
I think  the barras bravas are living in England, and in the best of the cases in Argentina, because there are a culture of football.
In this country, Chile only have a littles group of gangs added to a football club, but are not relationated each other. And there is where born the violence. It´s not rare view how persons of a same club fight among them.

Proposed question Nº5: What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

i´m not provida or proaborto, abort or not finally is a decision. And the problem isn´t it is good or bad. The problem is the abort exist, are moms and babies dying all days, and this a public health theme. But also is true that the abort laws are a joke. In the countrys with this laws the abort its free without any conditions and this open the doors to the capitalism and free market to be a big business without respect the moral, the life, the laws or nothing

3 comentarios:

  1. I complety agree with you about politicians reminding the cases SQM, Penta and Caval. But why did you post that Michelle's picture? haha

  2. Thanks for the observation, but i consider that all the politicians including in a big coalition are equal. And anyway this picture is so funny wajajaja

  3. I completely agree with your opinion about the Chilean politician, day to day I see corruption cases and similars related with they, but I have the hope that this situation can change someday
