martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Who F&@k is Mr. Jenkinson

Hi, my name is Nicolás Carrasco, but i call myself Mr. Jenkinson because any time i said to a very good friend that if in my life i have to create a blog, this (Mr. Jenkinson)would be my name. And in this moment i have the chance to fullfil my word.
I´m actually 18 years old. I´m live in Santiago, Chile. I´m student of Veterinary Medicine in the Universidad de Chile.
In the past, i studied in Instituto de Humanidades Luis Campino in Providencia, when i pass all my scholar life.
My parents are health care profesionals, and i suppose that they give me the Healthy-Bug
Now i´m living with my father and my three half-brothers, when we try to support ourself. And survive, It´s really crazy.

I don´t like limit myself in specific pleasures, but i must concede that i love madly the music, the cats and the landscapes. I could murder for cats. Really.
In music happen the same, i have a favorite genre, the ska. But i dont close to other rytmes and sounds. I preffer listen all the music and said that it is bad that buried myself in a genre and take for granted that the rest of music is garbage. Fortunatitly we live in a wolrd with very good music and musicians.

In the future i pretend to meet the wolrd with my green cap, and try to live all the experiences that que life give me, become to a good medic. And write about what ever.

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