martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Carrito´s Life timeline


Nicolás Carrasco was born the 4th of november, in Santiago, Chile. His father was a Doctor called Jorge and his mom a nurse called marcela Have big brother one year older called Francisco


Nicolás pass all his scholar life in the Instituto de humanidades Luis Campino, where meet her life friends, cool theachers and his BFF Josefa. In this place Nicolás doesn´t learnd about academy, he learned to about life.


Nicolás entry to the Scout movement, when he learnd to coexist, sourvivor and the vault of the things and persons, He reach this 2015 ten years of Scout member. Actually he serve as assistant in a trop of children between 14-16 years old. 


This year was a awesome year to Nicolás, because he lived in the stadium the 9th national title of Universidad Católica in the Estadio Nacional versus the classic rival the Universidad de Chile, in the time when Marcelo Salas played. Was a family journal that finalized with Polo Quinteros converting the last penal to Johnny Herrera


In this year became to the family the first of three little brothers that changed the vision of  Nicolás, who have to learn to be more responsable and help in the house with the boys. They are similar than Nicolás when he was a little and disaster boy


Nicolás dissapointed because he can´t go to study Medicine, entry to study Veterinary Medicine where he is very comfortable and happy, He is in the correct place with the correct persons 

1 comentario:

  1. Nice picture as trop assistant, you like cool ajaj good luck with your boys !
