martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

My I-Pad and me. A love history.

   2012 was a complicated year for me, a teenager. School, family, responsibilities, womens, etc. But especially, this year happenend an incident that changed my life. A group of thiefs go into my house and steal a lot of stuff between there, my laptop. 

  In my laptop i have a lot of music, films, pictures, school works, games, and all a ciberlife. But fortunately this year, Sebastián Piñera the incumbent president, gave to all of public workers an incentive that duplicate the current salary. In this way, my mom bougth me my first and unic Ipad.

 I use the Ipad for everything, take pictures, playing, do homeworks, do real works, to study, to view films,listen music, chat with friends, even to play table tennis when we don´t have racket. 

Really i don´t go to my home without my Ipad, and i dont worry about thiefs in the street, i feel that the ipad now is it more safe with me that in my house. In fact, this year also went into my house and they go away with, Tvs, radio, and other stuff. But not with my dear Ipad. That this year will turn three years, in comparation, my little brother only have two year, a lifetime.

1 comentario:

  1. Im sorry about your incident :( At least you can replace you laptop <3
